martes, 26 de enero de 2021

When It´s Spirit speaks. (Domingo, 22 de agosto de 2004 22h49)

 By: Koheleth Pereira For the section opens your eyes

Seeming that all we are walking al same destiny.  It is in the peregrinated by this deserted land truly that the illusions are darkened and our dreams are not more than vague intents by satisfying our thirsty soul of Eternal Justice. 


An internal Lament exists that seeks, bleeding in its intent, to be connected with you reason and to awake you to the real need of the Emperor of the Light. 


It is the guttural Hymn that is born in you heart and brings you to the life with sense if you listen it!!  Devastating in its road al stagnation that the lie gives you and its daughter the routine.  Leaving without forces and rendering useless with the drug of your apparent disinterest by the truth. 


I know, there are times that neither in you same you trust.  But this time trusts in the echo of its rain of knives, that the meat has crossed you, that has burst (by thus tell it) the eyes and has obliged you to see toward you interior. 


You entered already?  You see it? 


You are in another dimension.  It is another land by conquering and to put him a name. 


Is you soul, you listening it!! 


It seems to tell you:  “I Need the heat of its fire to grow, I need its air to live and I need its water to appease thirst that has years already!! 


In reality not all we walk al same destiny.  Some al slam by the eternity and other al eternal punishment to the wickedness. 


The excuses were finished.  It decides you destiny!